Cherish Your Aging Pets

Dog and CatAs we look ahead to the new year, we must not forget about our four-legged companions, especially those moving closer to their senior years.
Don’t think of those years as a sad time, but rather a time to cherish our pets as wise and loyal members of the family. Some things to consider that will allow us (and them) to enjoy their golden years are:

• Great nutrition
• Regular checkups at the vet
• Plenty of exercise
• Grateful appreciation

Nutrition is the most important factor. It is the foundation to a healthy and happy pet. With the proper balance of protein, vitamins, minerals, and supplements, we can be assured they will be a stable and interactive part of the household and family for many years.
There are some great diets on the market that fulfill all these needs. Choose a diet that is not too high in protein; our furry family members need only moderate levels of protein as they age.
High levels of antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene can improve vaccine effectiveness, skin health, and cellular integrity.
Glucosamine and chondroitin are important in joint functioning; these two act together as an amazing combo that will allow pets to maintain an active lifestyle. Attention to all of these dietary aspects will help slow the aging process.
Build a relationship with your veterinarian, and make checkups annual health marker. Your pet’s doctor will create a complete game plan including vaccines, blood work, and other recommended procedures to maintain your pet’s health in its golden years. Vaccines will protect pets from many diseases and harmful pathogens they may encounter on a daily basis. Blood work will give a comprehensive look at internal functions. Pet insurance can be a great way to help provide these services for your pet. There are many options available; explore these resources online or through your veterinary clinic.
Like us humans, our pets need exercise, too. Daily walks, runs on the beach, or a fun game of fetch in the back yard are great ways to keep Odie healthy.
Garfield has to stay in shape, too. Cats are much harder to keep active as they get older, but we do have a few tricks! A laser pointer or a few toys full of catnip can provide a good workout for our feline friends, as can a sturdy piece of cat furniture to climb on.
As Odie and Garfield get older, it can get harder to keep them active, but they gain energy with activity and your efforts to keep them active will bring rewards. Exercise in conjunction with glucosamine and chondroitin supplements for their joints is a great recipe for maintaining your pet’s fitness.
Our pets give us unconditional love and support. For that we have so much to be thankful for. Enjoy the golden years of your pet. Know that they are there for us and we are there for them. It is easy to forget what they have to offer and how much they truly do contribute to our lives.
Let 2012 be a year that we cherish our pets, young and old, to the fullest!

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